Let The Wisdom Of Reishi Guide Your Insinct
If your New Years resolutions didn't go the way you were expecting the first time, don't give up just yet!
Pick yourself back up and try again with the support of Reishi by your side.
It's never too late for second chances, and the Lunar New Year presents the perfect chance.
The goal of the Reishi resolution is to form a goal with focus and intent to follow through, guided by one of the most revered Shen tonic's in the Chinese pharmacopia...
It's actually much more simple than it sounds!
Just follow these three steps:
1) Think of a resolution, or goal you'd like to accomplish this year. (Think big!)
2) At the start of each day for 90 days, focus on visualizing yourself completing your goal. Think in as much detail as you can - the clearer you can see it now, the more you'll know how to achieve it.
3) With that picture in your mind, take 3 capsules of Reishi mushroom. Imagine the Reishi entering your body, carrying your intentions and goals to every cell, and directing your actions and thoughts for the day to achieve them.
Reishi mushroom (also known as Ganoderma) is considered perhaps the greatest single herb in the Chinese pharmacopeia.
Often referred to as the “mushroom of immortality” or the “herb of good fortune,” this Ye Sheng (wild crafted) extract, when consumed on a regular and long term basis will, according to Shen Nong, “lighten the body and prevent aging, extend one's life, and make one an immortal."
It is an adaptogenic and longevity herb that helps to: support and regulate immune function, protect the cardio vascular system, and support and protect the liver.
But perhaps its greatest function is that of a Shen tonic. It is unrivaled in its ability to open the Heart, calm the Spirit, and connect you to your higher self. It enhances wisdom and supports spiritual evolution and insight.
Ideal for: Everyone! Everyone can benefit from taking Reishi on a regular basis.
TCM Function: Calms the Spirit, Augments Qi, Nourishes blood.
90 Vegetarian Capsules
450 mg per capsule
Extract ratio: 10:1
Usage: Take 3 or 4 capsules as needed up to three times per day with a full glass of water. It is best taken on an empty stomach, but with food is okay if you need immediate emotional relief.