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American Ginseng Extract Powder

Sale price$24.95
  • Strengthens and moistens Lungs
  • Replenishes and increases energy
  • Longevity tonic

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Lynne Sykes
Celestial Heart Review

I LOVE the herb tincture
Celestial Heart!! ❤️

I felt worries and concerns lifted off my heart before bedtime.
My sleep was unburdened as this herb surrounded my heart in a nice cocoon of softness.
No drowsiness in the morning either.
It’s effects come on subtle…..
Don’t be distracted by TV’s & Phones when you take it so that you can tune yourself to the moment the subtleness arrives at the heart!

Lynne Sykes

I like this herbs easy boost of energy WITHOUT any body heat effects.

I can’t do heat! It aggravates my hormone levels and gives me anxiety.

eric martin
excellent herbs!!

you can't go wrong with Jingherbs. huge fan.

Brian Johnson
American Ginseng

I enjoy the taste of this herb and how I feel when taking it.....bright, clear and relaxed! Thank you for carrying it!

Restoring my energy

After an intense whirlwind of a summer, it felt as if I had lost all the wind in my sails. I was adrenal depleted. I went from my normally energetic and super productive self to exhaustion - barely able to do my basic daily tasks and needing to rest often. So I listened to body and slept a lot and added American Ginseng to my daily Jing Herbs tonic of Restore the Jing and He Shou Wu. And I feel oh so much better. I'm waking with energy again and able to do my daily tasks. Not at super productive yet and I'm on my way.