Happy Lunar New Year!
In China, this holiday, which is also known as the Spring Festival, marks the end of the coldest days of winter.
It’s widely celebrated as a time where people welcome the spring and everything that comes with it - where people prepare for fresh starts and new beginnings.
A lot of people tend to feel discouraged if they aren't able to meet their New Years resolutions on the first try, but failure is a natural part of growth, and determination to pick up the pieces and try again is what creates impactful change.
We're looking at the Lunar New Year as a second chance to fit in all the resolutions we weren't able to take up at the beginning of the year.
Get ready to hop at the opportunity for positive growth in 2023!
This year brings the opportunity for change, adventure, actionable growth, and building momentum in your new pursuits.
The Rabbit is a gentle, quiet, and elegant sign, but quick on its feet, skilled, and alert. The Water Rabbit has a direct connection with Wood, which provides an influence of strength as we all calmy and steadily progress this year.
The Yin energy of the Water Rabbit makes 2023 a great year to seek new perspectives while supporting our equilibrium.
When a lunar year is influenced by the Water element, it signifies a time of great change, prosperity, and abundance for those who can brave the waves.
Additionally, the essence of Water is to "go with the flow" and accept change, which supports the Rabbits subtle influences that can win trust without much effort.
The presence of Water helps Wood to flourish, encouraging your ideas and aspirations to grow and blossom when properly attended to.
Most importantly, the Yin Water Rabbit can affect those of us who are attracted to excessive degrees of comfort and listlessness, lulling us into overlooking the true value of responsibility.
The amount of Yin energy in 2023 is undeniable, which can promote recovery and rest, but must be tempered with a balance of motivating Yang energy.
I encourage you to explore your passions, broaden your horizons, and take a more active role in your growth - it'll be worth the effort.
To help you try something new and expand your tonic bar (or restock on all of your favorites), this month's Insider gift is a code to take 20% off your next order!
Simply enter "RABBIT" the next time you go to checkout.
This code has no minimum order amount, so use it on anything you'd like.
Have a look below, and start your commitment to better health.
Wishing you a wonderful Lunar New Year.
Be Well,
The Jing Herbs Team