June 2024 EDITION


Boost Your Beauty and Vitality

Welcome Summer
With Schisandra

The Elixir of Vitality:
Embrace The Essence Of Life With Schisandra This June!

Summer has unfurled its warm embrace and with it, a season of growth and vitality bursts forth. It’s the time of year when nature’s palette is rich with color, the air is lively with song, and each day offers an invitation to bloom.

Yet, in the whirlwind of long days and endless blue skies, do you sometimes find yourself feeling less like a vibrant participant and more like an onlooker, drained and trying to keep up? This is your moment – a sign to refuel, regenerate, and reconnect with your innate vigor.

Welcome to the June Jing Insider, where the spotlight shines on an ancient secret of sustained vitality – the profound Schisandra berry.


Why Schisandra, you ask?

Also called 'Wu Wei Zi' in Chinese, Schisandra encapsulates the five basic flavors that correspond to the five elemental energies: sour, bitter, sweet, pungent, and salty.

Each taste addressing key organs – the liver, heart, spleen, lungs, and kidneys – to harmonize and invigorate.

Schisandra isn't just an herb but a life-changing ally with it's offerings of:

Stamina and Strength: Unlock the energy you need to swim against the tide on those long summer days. Schisandra is renowned for enhancing physical performance and endurance.


Mental Clarity: Let the clarity of a bright summer sky reflect in your thoughts. Schisandra supports cognitive function, helping you to focus and stay sharp.

Stress Adaptation: Learn how this adaptogenic powerhouse helps manage stress by balancing the adrenal functions, so you can ride the waves of life with grace.

Beauty from Within: Summer skin glows, but true radiance comes from deep within. Schisandra promotes healthy skin by supporting detoxification and nourishing the complexion.

Liver Health: This isn’t just a seasonal fling. Schisandra supports long-term liver health for continuous detoxification and purification.


This is more than a journey; it’s a   transformation. Say yes to a season of blooming vitality.

June is the time to align with nature’s rhythm, to fuel your spirit, and invigorate your body. With Schisandra, you don't just greet the day, you own it.

Welcome the summer with open arms and a revitalized soul – dive into the world of Schisandra with us at Jing Insider.

Let’s grow, thrive, and shine together!

Schisandra Extract Powder

June's Herb Of The Month


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  • Beauty tonic
  • Builds blood, nourishes skin
  • Brightens the eyes
  • Sexual Energy

Free When You Spend $75 or more:

  3. USE CODE "JUNE2024"


Schisandra is a Three Treasure tonic herb that was historically consumed by the Royal families of China. It is renowned for its ability to nurture beautiful, soft, and radiant skin. It is a powerful brain and memory tonic.

As a sexual tonic, it increases fluids and sensitivity in woman, and has an astringing quality for male endurance. The Chinese name for Schisandra is "wu wei zi" which translates as "five flavored seed."

The significance of this has to do with the therapeutic range of this herb. Its sourness and saltiness enter the Liver and also enriches the Yin of the Kidneys. The bitter and acrid flavors enter the Heart and tonifies the Lungs.

Finally, the sweet flavor enters the Spleen and augments its energy. So, this incredible herb is able to tonify the Yin of all five Yin organs of the body.

The more pronounced flavor of Schisandra is sour, and as such, its ability to stabilize the primal Qi of the Kidneys is more pronounced.

It also is a powerful Liver tonic and helps to keep the Liver's detoxifying function running smoothly. Schisandra also has a long history of use as a beauty tonic.

The Lungs are in charge of dispersing fluids to nourish the skin, and in its capacity of tonifying the Yin of the Lungs, Schisandra also enhances the Lungs' function of nourishing the skin to keep it hydrated.

If there is a deficiency of Yin and Blood in the body, a person may experience what we commonly call a "Shen disturbance."

One of Schisandra's many functions is that of calming the Shen and soothing the Heart.

Ideal for: Anyone. This is a health and longevity tonic anyone can benefit from taking.
TCM Functions: Contains the leakage of Lung Qi, tonifies the Kidneys, generates fluids, quiets the Spirit. 

Available In:

Powder 50g
25 servings per packet 
Usage: 2 grams (approximately ½ tsp) two times per day. Mix with warm water and drink as a tea. Add to smoothies or shakes if desired. Can be taken any time throughout the day.
Extract ratio: 10:1


Powder 250g
125 servings per packet 
Usage: 2 grams (approximately ½ tsp) two times per day. Mix with warm water and drink as a tea. Add to smoothies or shakes if desired. Can be taken any time throughout the day.
Extract ratio: 10:1

Bupleurum & Dragon Bone <br>Capsules<br> - JingHerbs

"Have only been taking a short time - but hubby walked passed me the other day, when I was doing yoga and said, “Aren’t you shiny!” Just for added info - I wasn’t sweating and it wasn’t lotion!"

"Not sure if three sisters helped me dint take it regular since am also taking the goddess pack and it did help me
I think more youthful"


Check Out Our Formulas For
Adaptability, Beauty, Vitality, and Shen

Great Adaptor

Bupleurum & Dragon Bone <br>Capsules<br> - JingHerbs


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  • Increases Energy
  • Maximizes Adaptability
  • Maintains homeostasis


This formula contains seven adaptogenic herbs, including superstars Rhodiola, Eleuthero, Reishi, and Gynostemma, which help reset the body’s endocrine system and bring your body and stress hormones back into balance.

The only true state of health is perfect adaptability and capacity to manage the unrelenting physical, biological, emotional, and environmental stressors that we have to endure.

This kind of stress requires assistance that only this class of herbs can provide. The ancient sages and herbalist long ago discovered the power of herbs for maintaining homeostasis, and science is now backing that up.

Assure your success in the face of life’s challenges with the Great Adaptor.

90 Vegetarian Capsules
450 mg per capsule
Ideal for: Anyone feeling stress, low energy, or low immune function.
TCM Function: Tonifies the Spleen and Stomach Qi, Calms the Spirit.
Usage: Take 3 capsules two times per day on an empty stomach with a full glass of water. Best taken in the morning and afternoon.
Extract ratio: 10:1


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Three Sisters

Bupleurum & Dragon Bone <br>Capsules<br> - JingHerbs


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  • Beauty tonic
  • Builds blood, nourishes skin
  • Brightens the eyes


Three Sisters is a heavenly trinity of tonic herbs for cultivating beauty, health, and longevity. This is the ultimate Yin, Blood, and Essence tonic.

Schisandra fruit is often times called the "Five Flavor Fruit" because it is said to have all five flavors associated with it.

It is a premiere Three Treasure tonic herb that was historically consumed by the Royal families of China. It is renowned for its ability to nurture beautiful, soft, and radiant skin. It is a powerful brain and memory tonic.

As a sexual tonic, it increases fluids and sensitivity in woman, and has an astringing quality for male endurance. Lycium fruit, also known as Goji berry, has a long history of being one of the greatest longevity tonics from the east.

It is a Yin Essence restorative herb that brightens and strengthens the eyes, supports immune function, builds sexual fluids, creates cheerfulness, supports the legs, and enhances sexual function.

Longan fruit is a delicious tonic herb used for building blood, nourishing the Heart and the Spirit, and enhancing beauty. It also has a reputation in the east as being a tonic herb that promotes healthy sexual function.

It is a favorite herb of Chinese woman, and legend has it that the most beautiful women of China insist on eating Longan fruit every day. Long term consumption is said to sharpen the intelligence, lighten the body, prevent aging, and facilitate enlightenment of the spirit.

Together, these three herbs combine to provide you with youth, vigor, longevity, and happiness! Three Sisters also is renowned for its ability to build fluids and alleviate dryness, which can be very important during menopause.

2 Fl. oz.
70 servings per bottle

Ideal for: All women, those with dry eyes and skin, dry issues related to menopause
TCM Functions: Generates fluids, tonifies the blood, nourishes Yin.
Usage: Take one to three squirts as needed up to three times per day. You can take them directly in your mouth or you can add them to teas, smoothies, or shakes.
Extract ratio: 8:1


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Timeless Beauty

Bupleurum & Dragon Bone <br>Capsules<br> - JingHerbs


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  • Beauty from within
  • Clears the skin
  • Brightens the eyes


Natural beauty starts from within and is best achieved with herbs that nourish and purify the blood.

Chinese tonics have a long history of doing just that. These rare and precious herbs from the Orient, once available only to the elite, are now synergistically combined and available to you in Timeless Beauty.

Dong quai root, Longan fruit, Lycium fruit (Goji berries), and Peony root are featured in this formula for building, nourishing, and purifying blood to bring natural beauty and radiance to the skin and eyes and spirit.

90 Vegetarian Capsules
450 mg per capsule
Ideal for: Skin issues, blemishes, anemia
TCM Function: Nourishes, vitalizes, and cleans blood
Usage: Take 3 or 4 capsules two times per day, preferably in the morning and afternoon on an empty stomach with a full glass of water.
Extract ratio: 10:1


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Peaceful Spirit (Awaken the Shen)

Bupleurum & Dragon Bone <br>Capsules<br> - JingHerbs


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  • Nourishes and opens the Heart
  • Calms emotional distress
  • Nurtures the Spirit


Life is too short not to be happy and no formula does a better job of opening your heart to the joy and wonder of this world than Peaceful Spirit.

The chief herbs, Reishi, Albizia, Asparagus, and Polygala together put a smile on your face and melt your worries away.

Let your spirit soar and your dreams come true as you connect to your divine energy and cultivate happiness on a moment-to-moment basis.

Don’t let emotional distress, sadness, and feeling blue get you down any longer!

Ideal for: Anyone feeling emotionally stressed, agitated, anxious, or worried.
TCM Functions: Opens the Heart, Pacifies the Spirit, Augments the Shen

Available In:

Peaceful Spirit - 90 Vegetarian Capsules
450 mg per capsule
Usage: Take 3 or 4 capsules as needed up to three times per day with a full glass of water. It is best taken on an empty stomach, but with food is okay if you need immediate emotional relief.
Extract ratio: 10:1

Awaken the Shen - Powder 50g
25 servings per packet
Usage: 2 grams (approximately 1 tsp.) two times per day. Mix with warm water and drink as a tea. Add to smoothies or shakes if desired. Can be taken any time during the day. 
Extract ratio: 10:1

Awaken the Shen - Powder 250g
125 servings per packet
Usage: 2 grams (approximately 1 tsp.) two times per day. Mix with warm water and drink as a tea. Add to smoothies or shakes if desired. Can be taken any time during the day. 
Extract ratio: 10:1


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