In tonic herbalism, it's understood that the approach to healthy skin in the winter - or any time of the year for that matter – starts from the inside out.
It's actually what's on the inside that counts.
Now, that may sound cliche, but it's exactly the truth.
Think about it like this. If you only ever cleaned the top side of a rug, obviously things will begin to pile up underneath - and you wouldn't even notice.
Without first taking care of what's beneath, how can you expect to see true results on top?
Luckily, the field of longevity (anti-aging) has been of great interest in Classical Chinese Medicine for thousands of years!
The real secret to keeping that youthful glow, is not some anti-aging miracle.
Optimal aging is what's truly key to longevity.
The Luminous Skin Bundle is a collection of my top choices for nourishing your beauty - both inside and out!
American Ginseng increases day to day energy, replenishes vitality, and supports Lung function. But more importantly, it nourishes the fluids (Yin) in the body, especially the Lungs.
And since the skin is associated with and an extension of the Lungs, nourishing the Lung Yin will nourish the moisture of the skin at the cellular level.
50 gram packet
25 servings per packet
Extract ratio: 5:1
Ideal for: This is a health and longevity tonic that anyone can benefit from taking.
TCM Functions: Benefits the Qi, generates fluids, nurtures Lung Yin.
Usage: 2 grams (approximately 1 tsp.) two times per day. Mix with warm water and drink as a tea. Add to smoothies or shakes if desired. Can be taken any time throughout the day.
Schisandra Berry
The Fruit Of Five Flavors is renowned for its ability to nurture beautiful, soft, and radiant skin.
Cherished by Chinese royalty for it’s beauty and anti-aging properties, its astringent quality helps the skin to hold on to and lock in moisture. This reduces the appearance of fine lines, imparting a youthful glow.
Schisandra berry develops and protects the key vital energies of the body, improving both the vitality and beauty of the skin.
50 gram packet
25 servings per packet
Extract ratio: 10:1
Ideal for: Anyone. This is a health and longevity tonic anyone can benefit from taking.
TCM Functions: Contains the leakage of Lung Qi, tonifies the Kidneys, generates fluids, quiets the Spirit.
Usage: 2 grams (approximately ½ tsp) two times per day. Mix with warm water and drink as a tea. Add to smoothies or shakes if desired. Can be taken any time throughout the day.
Pearl Powder
Pearl Powder has a time honored reputation as an unsurpassed beauty tonic.
It's said to improve irritations of the skin and to promote lustrous, clear, moist, and supple-feeling skin.
As if that wasn't enough, Pearl is also known to be a potent Shen tonic. It can help promote a peaceful spirit and a quiet mind. In TCM, Pearl has the capacity to clear the liver of excess heat that may cause irritability and painful eyes.
Our enzymatically activated Pearl allows all the amino acids, mineral, and nutrients to be readily available for fast assimilation. Pearl may also enhance the activity of the powerful antioxidant SOD.
50 gram packet
25 servings per packet
Ideal for: Anyone who wants to support beauty, healthy skin, and bright eyes.
TCM Functions: Calms the Heart, clears the liver, and promotes healing.
Usage: 2 grams (approximately 1 tsp.) two times per day. Mix with warm water and drink as a tea. Add to smoothies or shakes if desired.