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Total Athlete

Sale price$35.95
  • Builds Physical Energy
  • Increases Endurance
  • Increases Muscle Mass

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Vadim Rozengurt
Total Athlete - A Product You'll Reorder

Total Athlete is a product that makes a difference. Not just energy, but 3 Treasure Energy!

Armand Pelletier
My go to Energy

Great energy, really helps arthritis, and joint pain.

Dr. Alison
Am never without this, as a personal trainer

I met Dr. George & John when working an event with them with David Wolfe as I returned from a decade in Asia. I have been so grateful for Dr. George’s knowledge & what he and John make available for me to have access too, now that I’ve been living stateside. Their integrity behind where they source their ingredients from, along with Dr. George’s - and John’s - knowledge of why they pit what they do in their formulas is extensive. So much so that I refer many of my clients to them and their products. I even had Dr. George on my radio show twice - 1 time just to talk about all the benefits of their reishi powder, another product of theirs I won’t be without.

Total Athlete itself, as both a yoga teacher and a personal trainer, helps me to continue to support my body and my workouts in a very nurturing, nourishing way. I enjoy the protection I’m giving my bones and soft tissue - energy levels and motivation aren’t really an issue for me - as I take this product to help improve my strength and power during my workouts as well - and equally - preventatively.

Dr. J

This is my go to for that focused Qi energy activation!

I pop 3-6 of these before my workouts and boom the body just responds!

There’s nothing like the feeling of your strength and focus being turned on and up.

This is how you “tap in” to yourself and then your activity.

The best thing is knowing you did it with herbs that build and cultivate your internal system Vs synthetics that suck the life and functionality out of you over time.

5 Starz

More Energy!

I have used many herbs from Jing Herbs - all of them are very powerful and helpful with some symptoms. After feeling a bit tired/weak, I purchased Total Athlete and it helped me so much! My energy returned and I only had to take it for a short while.

It is wonderful if you want to boost your energy levels!